Why Catalysts for Patent Landscaping?

CIntel's patent landscaping services
  • We have a team of technology-specific consultants with commercial flair
  • We constantly test our best-practices in searching prior-arts
  • We have subscription to premier patent and non-patent databases
  • Our approach to patent landscpaing revolve around identifying gaps and opportunities
  • We are bound by Compete and Non-Disclosure Agreement that ensures confidentiality

Patent Landscaping Study Hire Us

Patent Landscaping Search also known as State of the art Search is a comprehensive analysis on the technology landscape of the subject area of interest to identify the technical evolution, assignees and technology growth within the landscape. The catalysts at CIntelligence aimto deliver in-depth patent landscape portfolio with multi-pronged clustering. A patent landscaping report helps customers identify gaps, opportunities and develop a roadmap for research.

CIntel's services for the Patent Landscape searching include prior-art searching, active players' identification, developed and evolving technologies and opportunities in the specific technology space.

When we Know Our Opportunities, Progress is Measured!

Patent Landscaping study ensures we are informed how and where our opportunities are in our technology. Landscaping study also provides insight on other players in the patenting space, various technologies under development and new applications.

If you are looking out for a partner who can help with the best technical support at all times, call the Catalysts!

It is not only the best time for us to step in, this is something we love the most.

Are you willing to Join PatentCultureTM?

PatentCultureTM is an initiative by CIntelligence to ensure all new inventions find its place in the patent office and transform eventually into value-adding inventions for the society. Only when patenting becomes a culture, inventions will happen and only when inventions happen consistently, it creates a culture and only when we have a culture, it empowers our country.

If you are looking out for a partner who can help with the best technical support at all times, call the Catalysts!

It is not only the best time for us to step in, this is also something we love the most.

Visit our Initiative "PatentCultureTM" to check from our library of articles, stats and videos

Are you an Individual Inventor?

Dear inventor, If you have a new idea in mind or pursuing research in a new area, please get in touch with our catalysts, and we will assist you in transforming your idea/invention into a patent.

Our services for individual inventors in India are designed to be highly affordable, professionally uncompromised and fast.

Get in touch with us the earliest time!